Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Can All-On-4 Replace My Upper and Lower Teeth?

all on 4 by anthem periodonticsHave you heard about All-on-4 yet? It’s one of the best ways to replace a full arch when patients have lost multiple teeth due to disease or trauma. If you thought dentures were you’re only hope, guess again!
All-on-4 is a full arch dental prosthetic that only requires four posts to implant. Even patients who were previously told that they were not a candidate for dental implants due to bone loss may still be able to get All-on-4 because the posts are implanted diagonally rather than vertically so they don’t require as much bone as traditional implants.

Call to schedule a consultation today.  To receive more information right to your inbox ... fill out this short form HERE  - we will send you our ebook "7 Reasons To Ditch Your Dentures"

Monday, December 8, 2014

All-On-4 vs Regular Implants

For our patients who have lost multiple teeth to disease or trauma and don’t want to wear removable dentures, dental implants are the best choice. Dental implants offer a freedom to patients that cannot be found in other tooth replacement options, but not all implants are the same.

When replacing an entire arch, we can use traditional dental implants or the newer All-On-4 technology. Both will give you a brand new smile, but the similarities end there.

The technological advancement found in All-On-4 now allows patients to receive a completely new arch implanted on 4 posts rather than the 6 to 8 required for traditional implants. Not only does All-On-4 require less posts, these posts are inserted diagonally rather than vertically. This means that even if you have had significant bone loss, you can still be a candidate for All-On-4 without adding a complicated and invasive bone grafting procedure.

Because of it’s revolutionary implant style, All-On-4 is a much quicker procedure and can be accomplished in as little as one office visit rather than the multiple appointments required for traditional implants. You’ll even recover faster too!

So how do you know if you’re a candidate for All-On-4?

·         You have lost several or all of your teeth on one arch or will need to have multiple extractions to remove damaged teeth.
·         You have been told you don’t have sufficient bone to support a traditional implant.
·         You are interested in a quicker procedure that has a shorter recovery time.
·         You currently wear dentures and find them uncomfortable and inconvenient.

Find out for yourself what many Anthem Periodontics and Dental Implants patients have already discovered; All-On-4 is THE BEST option for full mouth restoration. If you are tired of wearing dentures or hiding your smile because of missing teeth, it’s time to give us a call. We are the Las Vegas Valley’s All-On-4 experts!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Are You A Good Candidate For All-On-4?

All-on-4 dental implants have been changing the lives of many patients who are suffering from the loss of several teeth. This revolutionary dental appliance is literally the next best thing to having the teeth you were born with. With so many benefits, why wouldn't you choose All-On-4? 
To read more about All-On-4 and to see if you might be a candidate, please visit THIS article.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dentures and Dating—What if they find out you’re wearing them?
When patients are told that dentures would be the best solution for their permanent tooth loss, they have a lot of questions. Some of them they ask us, but other questions are left unanswered because the patient is embarrassed to ask, like “What will happen if my date finds out these aren't my real teeth?” All it takes is one web search to confirm that this is a concern for denture wearers of all ages. This question or ones like it are being asked and commented on every day, so that’s why we decided to tackle it here.  Visit Anthem Periodontics' website for more informations about alternatives to dating with dentures!

Friday, September 5, 2014

What Is Ultrasonic Scaling?

It used to be that a visit to the dentist for a professional cleaning involved uncomfortable scraping of the teeth by a hand-held device with a hook on the end. Thanks to the advent of ultrasonic scaling technology, that same job is done using water and high-frequency vibrations.
To read more about Ultrasonic Scaling, please visit Anthem Periodontics and Dental Implants.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Subgingival Scaling—When an ordinary cleaning is not enough

One of the first weapons in the fight against periodontal diseases is subgingival scaling. When performed in conjunction with root scaling, it can halt the advance of gum disease before more serious measures are required.  Subgingival scaling cleans the tooth below the gum line by effectively removing plague, tartar, toxins and bacteria from the surface. Since this is a procedure that requires more expertise than a routine cleaning, it is best to have it performed by a periodontist.

Dr. DeAndrade will recommend scaling for patients with gingivitis or the early stages of periodontitis. Performed using a local anesthetic, the root surface is thoroughly cleaned with a dental scaling instrument. In more severe cases, an open procedure may be needed where a small flap is cut into the gums to make the area requiring treatment more accessible. By removing the plague and tartar that has accumulated deep into the gums, the patient is able to successfully maintain the results through regular brushing and flossing at home.

Following a subgingival scaling, you will see reduced redness and swelling of your gums, reattached gum pockets, less bleeding and decreased bone sensitivity. It also aids in the prevention of bone and tooth loss due to periodontal disease.

The key to good oral health is regularly scheduled dental cleanings and exams. Being able to catch conditions early will allow for more economical, minimally invasive procedures to correct issues as they arise. This, along with good home care, can save you from the complications of tooth and bone loss.  

Periodontal diseases do not only affect your gums and teeth, they can cause problems throughout the whole body. If you have been advised that you need more than a regular dental cleaning to protect the health of your mouth, call Anthem Periodontics to schedule a consultation before a small problem turns into a major procedure.

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